What method of hair
extensions is used?
I use hair extensions with weaving. This
means that lengths of hair is sewn in with embedded thin
braids in their hair. No
chemicals, no glue or wax used and the method is
considered the gentlest method of hair extensions. The
wear is almost non-existent.You can have the extension
up to three months, and hair can be reused several
times if it is correctly managed.
This is an excellent way to extend
your hair when you also want to save out your own
hair. Remember that your hair may need to be cut up a little
on the uniform long and thick to blend together with the
extensions. The
method is also suitable for western european hair that is
often very smooth and soft, and easily damaged by hair
extensions for example, with wax or glue.
The length of your hair, you decide when you buy it. For
this type of hair extension you should have large
selection available in a wide variety and quality.
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How long does hair extension last?
You can have hair extension up to three months. It
grows out with your own hair and does not come off by
itself. In
practice, one could have them longer, but it is
not recommended, because your own hair needs to be
aired, washed and combed out to not be entangled.
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long does my hair need to be to get hair extensions?
For it to look good with the extension, I recommend that
your own hair has a length of 15 cm and it is cut. It
is also possible to extend the shorter hair, but then
there are some special things to consider. For
example, the extension does not usually last as long if your
hair is short. Nor
is it possible to extend over a maximum of 20 cm.
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How many lines do I need?
The hair is inserted into the 1-4 lines, and the number
of lines depends on how long and thick you want your hair,
and how your hair looks.
1 line - thicker hair
2 lines - 10-15 cm long hair
3 lines - full hair extension
4 lines - fuller volume extension
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How long does it take to
do hair extensions?
Hair extension with the weaving method takes
between 2-5 hours, depending on how many rows is to be
inserted. In
general, it usually takes about one hour per line, plus
a little extra time for cutting the hair extensions, which
naturally included in the price.
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How do I choose hair extensions?
Choose a hair as much as possible similar to your own. Real
hair is in an endless array of colors and finishes. Do
you have thin, fine hair, ask for a hair similar to
Scandinavian hair. Do
you have thicker hair with a little coarse straw so are
you looking for a hair extension with similar
characteristics. Useful
information can be that blonde or curly varieties require
little more care, because they are more prepared. Regarding
the choice of color, you might want to mix different
shades but make sure you have at least a shade similar
to your own. I
am happy to tell you about where you can buy hair!
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How do I manage real hair
Real hair extensions are easy to dry, so it is important
to have good products that moisturize extensions. Especially
the blond and curly varieties of hair needs extra care,
since they are more prepared. If
your hair easily tangels itself is a sign that it is too
Sensitive hair variants (eg, Indian, blond, curly hair)
needs to "leave-in conditioner" 2-3 times a day. Otherwise,
it's sufficient with 1 time per day. Always
use conditioner when washing your hair.
When styling your hair, remember that the heat dries
out both your own hair and extensions. Always
use a heat protecting product when you are for example,
blow-drying, curling or flat steams hair.
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How do I wash real hair?
Always do like this when you wash your hair with real
extension, otherwise it can end up in adisaster! At
worst, the extensions become one big tangled ball! Do
not brush extensions until it is completely dry, as it
comes off easier then.
1st Divide
the hair into two parts and brush well with a natural
bristle brush, inside and out.
2nd Braid two
braids and attached with cords.
3rd Wash the
rest of the hair and shampoo braids and scalp.
4th Rinse
very carefully, especially the extensions attachments.
5th Distribute
conditioner in your hair and leave in for a while.
6th Separate
the braids and rinse out the wrapper.
7th Towel
dry gently and finish with leave-in conditioner "in the
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How do I remove hair extension?
If you plan to remove the hair extensions on your own it is
best to ask a friend for help. Sit
in a good light or daylight. Scratching
gently up the stitches and be very careful not to
damage your own hair, or extensions, for that matter, if
you plan to reuse it. Comb
gently out your own hair. It
can be tangeled, so be careful. Do
not wet your hair before you comb it because it easier
comes of when wet.
It will come off a lot of hair from the braids,
but it is hair that you lost naturally during the time
you had your hair braided. You
will lose up to 100 hairs a day, so after a few months
it will be a lot. Do
not be alarmed!
You can also contact me for help with the
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Can I dye hair extensions?
I do not recommend that you color your extensions. However,
you can color the outgrowth of your own hair, if
necessary. Dye
then the visible outgrowth of the hair covering the
extension, then up to your head. Protect
extensions the best you can, and leave it to dye
between the lines.
There are people who dye extensions and get good results,
but it is at your own risk.You can always try on a small amount of extensions, first, if you absolutely want to
dye it. Remember that the extensions has already been
treated and is usually dyed when you buy it. To
color it repeatedly wears on it and can make it become dull and
fragile faster.
Please contact me if you have any other questions.
Bintou Maya Diatta
Phone - 041 6424783
Email -
